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Community Champion Winner Showcase

We are pleased to showcase our Mom’s Meals Community Champion, Lynette Anderson, MS LPC!

Lynette Anderson - Community Champion

Congratulations to Lynette Anderson on being awarded as a Mom’s Meals Community Champion!

Lynette was nominated by Corrin Godar, client supervisor for the Community Living Team at the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging, in Boulder, Colorado.

 Lynette's StoryThank you, Lynette, for all you do!


Lisa Zonneville - Community Champion

Congratulations to Lisa Zonneville on being awarded as a Mom’s Meals Community Champion!

Lisa was nominated by Honie Allen, Aging Services Assistant at the Wayne County Department of Aging & Youth in Lyons, New York.

Lisa's StoryThank you, Lisa, for all you do!


Benea HoganBenae W. Hogan, LPN, CIRS-A/D was nominated by Middle Georgia Regional Commission Area Agency on Aging Director Julie Hall for her 14 years of exceptional service in case management. She describes Benae as “an exceptional model of a Case Manager in action. She is compassionate, resilient, knowledgeable, and knows when to empower self-advocacy and when to be hands-on.”

Benae's StoryThank you, Benae, for all you do!


natashaNatasha Masanz was nominated by Lee Martin at the Arizona Department of Economic Security (AZDES). Lee nominated Natasha because of her kind and caring nature - her clients and colleagues are always happy to talk to her. Natasha’s leadership was showcased as a new program for nutrition and was introduced by the Division of Developmental Disabilities in Arizona. Natasha helps to ensure the team has the information they need regarding Mom’s Meals and helps get authorizations in place. She also works very closely with the local food bank to help make sure her clients have access to the nutrition they need.

Thank you, Natasha, for all you do every day!

Mom’s Meals just wouldn’t be the same without our case managers. Your support helps to achieve better health outcomes for your clients.

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