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Pureed Meal Delivery

Fully-prepared meals for individuals living with dysphagia

Pureed MenuNo age group is immune from dysphagia, but it is more common with older people, as the natural aging process and normal wear and tear on the esophagus can place them at greater risk. Causes vary from one person to the next, and treatment will also depend on the cause.

To accommodate the nutritional needs of individuals living with dysphagia, Mom’s Meals offers a pureed menu of fully-prepared soft food meals.

Pureed Creamy Corn FlakesWhat is dysphagia?

Dysphagia is the persistent condition of having difficulty moving food or liquid from your mouth to your stomach.

Dysphagia can lead to malnutrition, weight loss and dehydration. There is also the risk of choking as food becomes impacted to the point that it blocks the airway.

Pureed meals are soft foods for those with difficulty chewing and/or swallowing. The foods taste the same as they would in a traditional meal, but the consistency is different.

Pureed Roast Chicken & GravyWhat is a pureed meal?

The pureed menu options from Mom’s Meals have all been designed to meet the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics requirement for Dysphagia (Level 1 - Pureed Nutritional Therapy). Breakfast, lunch and dinner meals are available.

If you are a self-pay customer or caregiver interested in our pureed meals, click here to order or contact us for more information. If you are or think you may be eligible to receive meals through a government program or health plan, contact your area agency on aging or health care provider for more information.

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